
disable cricket

Champions TrophY

Indian team announced for Divyang Champions Trophy, Vikrant Ravindra Kani gets captaincy Cricket

This tournament for disabled players is being organized for the first time since 2019. India will start its campaign with a match against Pakistan on the first day.

The Indian team will participate in the Divyang Champions Trophy cricket tournament to be hosted by Sri Lanka from January 12.
The Indian team was announced on Sunday for this tournament. Vikrant Ravindra Kane has been made the captain of the 17-member Indian team.

head coach Rohit Jalani

This tournament for disabled players is being organized for the first time since 2019. India will start its campaign with a match against Pakistan on the first day. The National Selection Panel of the Disabled Cricket Council of India (DCCI) selected the team after a training camp in Jaipur under the leadership of head coach Rohit Jalani. Jalani said, this is a balanced team which is ready to face any opponent. Statement of DCCI General Secretary

This tournament includes teams from India and Sri Lanka as well as England and Pakistan. DCCI General Secretary Ravi Chauhan said, India's participation in the Champions Trophy 2025 is a matter of pride for the entire country. This prestigious tournament to be held in Colombo will not only give our players a chance to showcase their skills but will also highlight the importance of equal opportunity in sports.

Indian team:

Vikrant Ravindra Kenny (captain),
Ravindra Gopinath Sante (vice-captain),
Yogendra Singh (wicketkeeper),
Akhil Reddy,
Radhika Prasad,
Dependra Singh (wicketkeeper),
Akash Anil Patil,
Sunny Goyat,
Pawan Kumar,
Narendra, Rajesh,
Nikhil Manhas,
Aamir Hasan,
Majid Magre,
Kunal Dattatreya
Phanase and Surendra.

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