
Carey Shapes Australia's Win vs NZ; Surpasses Pant In Elite List

Australia's Alex Carey joined the elite company of legendary compatriot Adam Gilchrist and Indian star Rishabh Pant, smashing the second-highest score ever by a wicketkeeper-batter in a successful Test run-chase. Carey achieved this during his side's second Test against New Zealand at Christchurch During a tense run-chase of 279 runs, Carey guided Australia out of troubled waters, rescuing them from 80/5. He went on to score 98* in 123 balls, striking 15 boundaries in a fine match-winning knock. He also had a crucial stand with skipper Pat Cummins.

The highest-ever score by a wicketkeeper in a successful run-chase is by Gilchrist, who smashed 149* in 163 balls against Pakistan in 1999 at Hobart in a run-chase of 369 runs. At number three is Pant, who smashed 89* in 138 balls against Australia at The Gabba back in 2021 in a run-chase of 328, securing a series win by 2-1 for India and becoming the first team to beat Aussies at the venue in 32 years.

The Christchurch Test was a historic affair for Carey as he also tied with Gilchrist for most dismissals in a Test match for Australia, with a total of 10 dismissals. Gilchrist had also affected 10 dismissals in the match against New Zealand back in 2000 at Hamilton.

Carey was given 'Player of the Match' for his fine performance.

Australia clean-sweeped the two-match Test series against New Zealand.

Chasing 279 runs for victory in the second Test, Australia were 80/5 but the lower middle order fought back remarkably. Carey, Mitchell Marsh (80 in 102 balls, with 15 fours and a six) and Cummins (32* in 44 balls, with four boundaries) sealed a three-wicket win for Australia and a series win of 2-0.

source https://sports.ndtv.com/cricket/alex-carey-shapes-australias-win-over-new-zealand-surpasses-rishabh-pant-in-elite-list-5220464


3 Factors Behind India's Gigantic 4-1 Win Against England In Test Series

खेल की पिचों पर इंग्लैंड पर श्रृंखला में मिली शानदार जीत न केवल भारत की घरेलू मैदान पर सर्वश्रेष्ठ जीत थी, बल्कि इससे खेल के लंबे प्रारूप में भी उसकी श्रेष्ठता की पुष्टि हुई, जिसमें युवा और वरिष्ठ खिलाड़ियों ने मिलकर 'बजबॉल' की धज्जियां उड़ाईं। विराट कोहली और मोहम्मद शमी जैसे खिलाड़ी पूरे मैच में उपलब्ध नहीं थे और सीरीज के पहले मैच में मिली करारी हार के बाद केएल राहुल और रवींद्र जडेजा के चोटिल होने से भारत का घरेलू मैदान पर दबदबा खतरे में पड़ गया, लेकिन रोहित एंड कंपनी ने अगले चार मैचों में अपने आक्रामक विरोधियों पर दबाव बनाने का तरीका ढूंढ लिया।

पांच में से चार डेब्यू करने वाले खिलाड़ी - सरफराज खान, ध्रुव जुरेल, आकाश दीप और देवदत्त पडिक्कल - ने दिखाया कि वे बड़े मंच के लिए तैयार थे, जबकि कप्तान खुद, जसप्रीत बुमराह और आर अश्विन जैसे टीम के स्तंभ भी समय पर प्रदर्शन करके मजबूत स्थिति में रहे।

परिवर्तन के दौर से गुजर रही टीम का भविष्य उज्ज्वल दिखता है।

भारत को इंग्लैंड पर अपना दबदबा बनाए रखने में मदद करने वाले स्टैंडआउट प्रदर्शन करने वाले युवा सलामी बल्लेबाज यशस्वी जायसवाल और कलाई के स्पिनर कुलदीप यादव थे।

यह घरेलू मैदान पर भारत की लगातार 17वीं सीरीज जीत थी, एक उल्लेखनीय उपलब्धि जिसे अक्सर हल्के में लिया जाता है।

"मुझे लगता है कि कभी-कभी हम इसे हल्के में न लें। खास तौर पर खुशी की बात यह है कि पिछले 10 साल या एक दशक से भारत का दबदबा रहा है और वह लगातार सफल सीरीज जीतने में सफल रहा है और उसने बहुत ज्यादा टेस्ट मैच नहीं हारे हैं, जबकि विदेशी खिलाड़ियों को इस देश में जो अनुभव मिलता है, उसकी तुलना 90 या 80 के दशक या यहां तक ​​कि 2000 के शुरुआती सालों में आईपीएल से पहले मिलने वाले अनुभव से नहीं की जा सकती है," हेड कोच राहुल द्रविड़ ने कहा।

वह शनिवार को यहां पांचवें और अंतिम टेस्ट में पारी और 64 रन की जीत के बाद बोल रहे थे, जिससे भारत ने सीरीज 4-1 से जीत ली।

"मुझे पता है कि यह एक अलग प्रारूप है, लेकिन यह परिचितता के बारे में है। बहुत से इंग्लिश खिलाड़ी या ऑस्ट्रेलियाई खिलाड़ी यहां इन परिस्थितियों में बहुत समय बिताते हैं, वे लोगों को जानते हैं। इसलिए यह बहुत आसान हो गया है। लेकिन इसके बावजूद, यह तथ्य कि हम उस रिकॉर्ड और मानक को बनाए रखने में सक्षम हैं, खिलाड़ियों के लिए एक वास्तविक श्रद्धांजलि है।"

जैसबॉल ने बाजबॉल को पछाड़ा

जैसवाल ने सीरीज में अपनी उम्र का लोहा मनवाया और 712 रन बनाए, महान सुनील गावस्कर के बाद सीरीज में 700 रन का आंकड़ा छूने वाले दूसरे भारतीय बल्लेबाज बने।

हालांकि, यह विशाल संख्या सीरीज में उनके निर्णायक प्रभाव को मापने के लिए पर्याप्त नहीं होगी।

विजाग और राजकोट में उनके लगातार दोहरे शतक ने अंग्रेजों को दूर रखने में काफी मदद की। खासकर विजाग में दूसरे टेस्ट में, उनके 209 रन ही एकमात्र कारण थे कि भारत पहली पारी में 396 रन तक पहुंच सका, इसके बाद अगला सर्वश्रेष्ठ स्कोर 34 रहा।

जिस तरह से वह ऐसा करने में सक्षम थे दबाव को झेलना और गियर बदलना उनकी बल्लेबाजी की पहचान थी और श्रृंखला में 26 छक्के उनके पावर गेम के बारे में बहुत कुछ बताते हैं।

फिट और मजबूत कुलदीप ने घातक स्पिन आक्रमण को और अधिक मजबूत बना दिया है

घरेलू परिस्थितियों में रवींद्र जडेजा और आर अश्विन की गेंदबाजी किसी भी विपक्षी टीम के मन में डर और संदेह पैदा करती है और उन्होंने क्रमशः 26 और 19 विकेट लेकर अपनी प्रतिष्ठा को बरकरार रखा।

कुलदीप यादव ने पिछले चार टेस्ट मैचों में अपने सर्वश्रेष्ठ प्रदर्शन से स्पिन आक्रमण को और अधिक घातक बना दिया, जिससे भ्रमित विपक्ष को सांस लेने का मौका नहीं मिला।

धर्मशाला में उनके प्रदर्शन ने टीम के लिए उनके अमूल्य योगदान को दर्शाया। पहले दिन सपाट पिच पर, उन्होंने गेंद को दूसरों की तुलना में बहुत अधिक घुमाया और पांच विकेट लिए, जिससे इंग्लैंड की टीम 1 विकेट पर 100 रन से 218 रन पर ऑल आउट हो गई।

उनकी बेहतर फिटनेस ने उन्हें सीधे रन अप के साथ तेज गति से गेंदबाजी करने की अनुमति दी और इससे सारा अंतर पैदा हुआ।

डेब्यू करने वाले खिलाड़ियों ने अहम भूमिका निभाई

विकेटकीपर बल्लेबाज ध्रुव जुरेल और सरफराज खान ने राजकोट में अपने डेब्यू मैच में तुरंत प्रभाव छोड़ा।

जुरेल ने पहली पारी के अंत में 46 रन बनाए और दूसरी पारी में बेन डकेट को रन आउट किया। इसके बाद उन्होंने 90 रन की पारी खेलकर भारत की अगली टेस्ट सीरीज के लिए खुद को सुरक्षित किया, जिससे मेजबान टीम इंग्लैंड के पहली पारी के स्कोर 353 के करीब पहुंच गई।

सरफराज, जिन्हें अपने बड़े ब्रेक के लिए सालों तक इंतजार करना पड़ा, ने राजकोट टेस्ट की दोनों पारियों में अर्धशतक बनाकर शुरुआत से ही खुद को सहज महसूस किया। स्पिन के खिलाफ उनका खेल शानदार था और धर्मशाला में उन्होंने दिखाया कि वह मार्क वुड की तेज गति का भी सामना कर सकते हैं।

तेज गेंदबाज आकाश दीप ने रांची में पहले दिन इंग्लैंड के शीर्ष क्रम को ध्वस्त करते हुए अपने जीवन की सबसे अच्छी सुबह बिताई, जबकि धर्मशाला में अप्रत्याशित पदार्पण करने वाले देवदत्त पडिक्कल ने 103 गेंदों पर 65 रन बनाकर अपनी क्लास दिखाई।

"युवा भारतीय खिलाड़ियों का आत्मविश्वास देखकर अच्छा लगा। युवा लड़के जिन्हें अपनी क्षमता पर बहुत भरोसा है। बहुत अधिक अनुभव और यह निश्चित रूप से मदद करता है," द्रविड़ ने कहा।

"इन सभी खिलाड़ियों को हाल ही में टीम में शामिल किया गया है। भारत बनाम इंग्लैंड लाइव


पहला टी20 कब, कहां और कैसे देखें IND vs ENG

भारत की अगुआई वाली टीम बुधवार, 22 जनवरी को कोलकाता के ईडन गार्डन्स में पांच मैचों की सीरीज के पहले टी20आई में इंग्लैंड से भिड़ेगी। तेज गेंदबाज मोहम्मद शमी एक साल से अधिक समय तक बाहर रहने के बाद भारतीय टीम में अपनी बहुप्रतीक्षित वापसी करेंगे। अक्षर पटेल को अतिरिक्त जिम्मेदारी दी गई है क्योंकि उन्हें पांच मैचों की सीरीज के लिए उप-कप्तान बनाया गया है। भारत और इंग्लैंड ने टी20आई में 24 बार एक-दूसरे का सामना किया है, जिसमें भारत ने 13 जीत के साथ इंग्लैंड के 11 के मुकाबले मामूली बढ़त हासिल की है।

इंग्लैंड ने पहले टी20आई के लिए अपनी प्लेइंग इलेवन की घोषणा कर दी है।
जोस बटलर पूरी सीरीज के लिए विकेटकीपिंग नहीं करेंगे।

भारत ने इंग्लैंड के खिलाफ अपने पिछले सात टी20आई मैचों में से पांच जीते हैं। भारत और इंग्लैंड का आखिरी टी20 मैच 2024 आईसीसी पुरुष टी20 क्रिकेट विश्व कप था, जहां भारत ने सेमीफाइनल में यादगार जीत हासिल की थी। > टीमें: भारत: सूर्यकुमार यादव (कप्तान), संजू सैमसन, अभिषेक शर्मा, तिलक वर्मा, हार्दिक पांड्या, रिंकू सिंह, नीतीश कुमार रेड्डी, अक्षर पटेल (उपकप्तान), हर्षित राणा, अर्शदीप सिंह, मोहम्मद शमी, वरुण चक्रवर्ती, रवि बिश्नोई, वाशिंगटन सुंदर, ध्रुव जुरेल पहले टी20 मैच के लिए इंग्लैंड की प्लेइंग इलेवन: बेन डकेट, फिल साल्ट (विकेट कीपर), जोस बटलर (कप्तान), हैरी ब्रुक, लियाम लिविंगस्टोन, जैकब बेथेल, जेमी ओवरटन, गस एटकिंसन, जोफ्रा आर्चर, आदिल राशिद, मार्क वुड।

"Rohit Hasn't Been Superior Captain, His Bowlers...": England Great

Former England spinner Graeme Swann doesn't believe Rohit Sharma's captaincy was better than Ben Stokes' in the five-match Test series. Rather, it was a lethal set of bowlers that "did the trick" for the India skipper. While Stokes' leadership style has attracted all the attention prior to and during the series, Rohit's team emerged 4-1 winners in the end. "I don't think he has been superior as a captain because his bowlers have done the trick for him. I think he's got more weapons at his armoury," Swann told PTI Videos in an exclusive chat after India inflicted an innings and 64-run defeat on England in the fifth and final Test here on Saturday.

"He's been good don't get me wrong, Rohit Sharma, but, I don't think if you pick this apart and say Stokes has captained badly, I think you are barking up the wrong tree there.

"Rohit Sharma's bowlers have really come to town for him, come to the party for him, in the last four Test matches, they didn't in the first one but they have done for the last four," Swann noted.

No blaming Bazball

Far from blaming 'Bazball' for England's loss, Swann said Stokes and Co actually failed to play the brand of cricket that has brought them success in recent times.

Swann's observation is in stark contrast to the views expressed by few other former players who attributed the drubbing to the visitors' fixation with Bazball.

"I don't think we have seen Bazball in this trip whatsoever, we saw it for one innings of this Test series, that's when Ollie Pope got a 190, and that was the definition of bazball," he said.

"I think England, where they have fallen flat in this series is, they have not been brave enough. I don't think they have played what you guys in the media call Bazball.

"I think if they had, I think this series would have been closer if I am honest." Bazball, which is derived from England Test coach Brendon McCullum's nickname Baz, fell flat as the tourists capitulated inside three days in the fifth Test, helping India secure their 17th straight Test series triumph on home soil.

On the match getting over in under three days, Swann said: "I would say it's a very good advertisement for Test cricket, because it was an exciting match.

"India were just too good for England in this game. It's always at the end of a series if it's already been won by one team, you worry that this will happen, the resistance will be completely blown away and it was in this Test match.

"So England will have to go home and shake themselves off wondering where it went so badly wrong. India are world class especially their bowling attack, and that was really shown again in this Test match." As a former off-spinner himself, Swann applauded Ravichandran Ashwin's stupendous performance on his 100 Test match.

"You know what it's brilliant, to get a fifer on his hundredth Test match. I have not actually seen him, I was looking to go and congratulate him myself but I will have to do that at the hotel later.

"Bowling so well and making those early inroads, that was brilliant, possibly one of his best fifers in his 100 Test matches, so you have got to take your hat off to Ashwin," he observed.

On James Anderson becoming the first fast bowler to reach 700 wickets, Swann said: "He's a joke, Jimmy is an absolute joke, how he has kept going for all this amount of time.

"When I say it's a joke I mean that in a good way, he's been incredible, and to get 700 wickets, well you know it's almost nonsensical the achievement and I love him to bits.

"I was kind of hoping when he almost bounced Kuldeep out, almost hit his gloves and bobbled in the air, that would have been the dream for Jimmy, because he has not bowled a decent bouncer for 10 years, but he has now."

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)

source https://sports.ndtv.com/cricket/dont-think-rohit-has-been-superior-as-captain-graeme-swanns-debate-stirring-statement-5211779

WPL: DC Win Humdinger Despite Richa Ghosh Heroics, Go On Top Of Table

Richa Ghosh hit two monstrous sixes but paid the price for her poor fitness as Delhi Capitals found her short of crease to win a cliffhanger against Royal Challengers by a solitary run in the Women's Premier League on Sunday. Needing 17 off last over to reach a target of 182, Richa, who blasted 51 off 29 balls, smote left-arm spinner Jess Jonassen for a 78 metre straight six and another maximum off the penultimate delivery to bring the equation down to two runs off the final delivery.

However Richa, not exactly known for being the fittest among Indian cricketers despite brute power in her strokes, wasn't fast enough to beat Jonassen, who whipped the bails off in a flash to restrict RCB to 180 for 7.

DC, with their fifth win, are now on 10 points and lead the table due to superior net run-rate (+0.918) compared to Mumbai Indians (+.343).

Needing 28 off final two overs, Shikha Pandey conceded couple of boundaries but removed Georgia Wareham, leaving left-arm spinner Jonassen to defend 17 in the final over.

Earlier, Jemimah Rodrigues displayed her complete mastery over slow bowlers with a 26-ball half-century that propelled Delhi Capitals to a competitive 181 for 5 in 20 overs. However, young off-spinner Shreyanka Patil grabbed four for 26 in her four overs and was brilliant at the business end of the DC innings to put brakes on the home team's scoring.

In front of a vociferous holiday crowd, Rodrigues brought out sweeps, cuts, pulls and the exquisite inside-out lofted drive from the closet to score 58 off 34 balls, adding 97 runs in just 10.1 overs for the third wicket with Alice Capsey (48 off 32 balls), who used the long handle to good effect during the slog overs.

This was after Shafali Verma (23 off 18 balls) and Meg Lanning (29 off 26 balls) added 54 for the opening stand but they were then dismissed in quick succession.

Rodrigues, not exactly known for her power-hitting, depended on her solid touch play, immaculate timing and deft placements to get eight fours and a six.

The maximum off leg-break bowler Georgia Wareham, imperiously hit over extra cover, brought up her fifty.

However, her best shot was the inside out loft that was dispatched to boundary just wide of long-off. She found an able ally in Capsey, who initially let the Indian take more of the strike before upping the ante during the death overs.

Spinner Asha Shobhana, seeing her coming down the track, tried to bowl one wide and out of her reach but the Southern Stars batter used her big reach to wallop her over extra cover.

Rodrigues, who should have scored more, was bowled round the legs when she tried to convert off-spinner Shreyanka's full-toss into an over-pitched delivery in her bid to play a paddle sweep.

Capsey, who also hit eight boundaries, continued to find the gaps before opposition's best bowler Shreyanka bowled a great last couple of overs to keep DC under check, conceding only nine runs in them.

(This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

source https://sports.ndtv.com/cricket/wpl-2024-delhi-capitals-win-humdinger-despite-richa-ghosh-heroics-go-on-top-of-table-5214212


Players "Gravitate" Towards Rohit Sharma: Rahul Dravid's Monumental Praise

Rohit Sharma's captaincy was rather understated vis-a-vis Ben Stokes' on-the-edge methods, but India head coach Rahul Dravid was delighted to see the players identify themselves with the Mumbaikar's leadership principles. Under Rohit, India never made tall claims even once but silently and categorically nullified the visitors' much-talked-about 'Bazball' and grabbed the five-match series 4-1. "I'm privileged to work with a lovely team. I'm learning from them all the time. Rohit has been fantastic to work with. I think he's a terrific leader, and the guys gravitate towards him phenomenally, which is fantastic to see," said Dravid told broadcasters after the match.

Dravid said India's series win was dotted by several shining moments but acknowledged that the return of Ravichandran Ashwin from a personal emergency underlined the character of this outfit.

"I'd just say Ashwin coming back to the team after what he went through (as the stand-out moment). Ash wanting to come back and contribute to the team... I think, for me, it signified what this team is about and what the character of this team is.

"I think that was just for me, probably the standout moment of the series. It really gladdens your heart as a coach to the kind of environment that that had been created," said Dravid.

Ashwin had to leave for Chennai because of a family emergency on the second day of the Rajkot Test, but the veteran off-spinner rejoined the action on the fourth day of the third Test.

There have been talks about the doors of the Indian team being shut now for players like Ishan Kishan and Shreyas Iyer after they defied the BCCI diktat to play in Ranji Trophy.

But Dravid did not buy into that.

"Rohit and I are selecting playing 11. Sometimes even I don't know who is contracted and who is not. So, no one is out of the mix as far as we are concerned," Dravid later said in the post-match press conference.

Kuldeep Yadav twinkled radiantly with his left-arm wrist spin besides chipping in with some handy runs lower down the order.

Dravid was chuffed to see the wholesome improvement in Kuldeep.

"It's been tough on Kuldeep Yadav. He's been bowling at a time when two legends (Ashwin and Ravindra Jadeja) are playing for the team. He brings the X-Factor to the team. He has also worked hard on his batting which has been a bonus," said the former Indian captain.

India all-rounder Shardul Thakur recently urged the bigwigs to look into the hectic Ranji Trophy schedule, which he said has been putting a lot of pressure on the players.

Taking a serious note of the call, Dravid the players' views should be considered sooner than later.

"We need to hear the players. They are the ones putting bodies on the line. If they are saying (about a busy schedule), we need to see how to manage the domestic schedule better," he added. 

source https://sports.ndtv.com/cricket/players-gravitate-towards-rohit-sharma-rahul-dravids-monumental-praise-after-test-series-win-vs-england-5207725


"Love Watching England Lose": Ex-AUS Skipper's Brutal 'Indian B Team' Jibe

Former Australian cricket team skipper Tim Paine said that he loves to see England lose and added that the Ben Stokes-led side is currently losing to an "Indian B side" considering the number of star cricketers who are missing from action. In a recent conversation, Paine was discussing the ongoing Test series between India and England with former Australia batter Simon Katich who was all praise for Rohit Sharma and Co with special mention for Yashasvi Jaiswal and Dhruv Jurel who prove India's squad depth.  

“But they have been playing against the Indian B team because there has been no Kohli, no Shami, Bumrah got rested last Test, KL Rahul is out and Rishabh Pant is still making his way back from that accident,” Katich said on Around The Wicket podcast.

“They are not their strongest team but it just goes to show that the depth in Indian cricket is huge because there are some big names coming into this next era of Indian cricket. Jaiswal is leading the charge; young Jurel was magnificent in the last Test as well. So India are looking very strong,” he added.

Paine echoed similar sentiments as he recalled Australia's loss to India in the 2018-19 Test series at home when the visitors were in a similar situation with several senior players missing from action. 

“I know what it's like to be beaten by an Indian B team. Unfortunately, it happened to us on our home soil. But yes, some huge names out for India, which should have certainly helped the English. I thoroughly enjoy watching England play the game, I love the way they are going about it. I love watching them lose. Don't get me wrong but they are entertaining and exciting,” Paine said in the podcast.

5th Test Live: Bumrah, Kuldeep Aim To Increase India's Lead vs England

India vs England 5th Test, Day 3 Live Score: With a lead of 250-plus, Indian cricket team would be pushing for a win on the third day of the fifth Test in Dharamsala on Saturday. At stumps on the second day, India were ahead by 255 runs with two wickets still left. Kuldeep Yadav and Jasprit Bumrah struck a steady stand and would hope to increase the team's lead. England, on the other hand, would hope to bundle out India are early a possible to harbour any hopes of a comeback. (LIVE SCORECARD) 

LIVE UPDATES: India vs England Live Score | IND vs ENG Live Straight from Dharamsala

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Sunrisers Hyderabad Release New Jersey Ahead Of IPL 2024 Season

Sunrisers Hyderabad (SRH) on Thursday released their new jersey ahead of the upcoming Indian Premier League (IPL) 2024 season. The Hyderabad-based franchise took to their official social media accounts to reveal the new kit. Pacer Bhuvneshwar Kumar was featured in the post wearing the brand-new kit. "Fire kit. Fire player. All set for a fiery #IPL2024," Sunrisers Hyderabad wrote on X. The Kavya Maran-owned franchise parted ways with West Indies legendary batter Brain Lara and brought in former New Zealand spinner Daniel Vettori as the team's head coach for the much-awaited IPL 2024. Recently, they replaced Aiden Markram and handed over the captaincy to Pat Cummins for the upcoming season.

The SRH franchise has won only one title in IPL so far and that was in 2016 under the leadership of star Australia opener David Warner. After that, they reached the finals of the 2018 edition under the leadership of star New Zealand batter Kane Williamson where they went down to Chennai Super Kings (CSK).

The Hyderabad side released players like Harry Brook, Kartik Tyagi, Adil Rashid, Akeal Hossein, and Samarth Vyas before the IPL 2024 auction and traded Mayank Dagar to Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) and took Shahbaz Ahmed from them. In the IPL 2024 auction, SRH bought Cummins for Rs. 20.50 Cr., and Travis Head for Rs. 6.8 Cr., Jaydev Unadkat for Rs. 1.6 Cr., Wanindu Hasaranga for Rs. 1.5 Cr., Akash Singh and Jhathavedh Subramanyan for Rs. 20 Lakhs.

On the other hand, five-time IPL champions Mumbai Indians (MI) also unveiled their new kit for the upcoming season.


Earlier in December last year, MI announced that all-rounder Hardik Pandya, who returned to the Mumbai franchise after guiding the Gujarat Titans to the IPL title in its debut season and the final in the subsequent edition, will be leading the team in the 2024 edition of the league. This meant removing Rohit Sharma as the skipper, who had led the franchise to five titles since starting his reign in 2013.

In November last year, Pandya moved back from Gujarat Titans (GT) to his former franchise as part of a trade between both franchises. The star all-rounder spent two momentous years with GT, spearheading their campaign in the cash-rich league with aplomb. In GT's debut season in 2022, Hardik got them off to a fairytale start, with the team lifting the coveted trophy.

source https://sports.ndtv.com/cricket/sunrisers-hyderabad-release-new-jersey-ahead-of-ipl-2024-season-5196545

Watch: Wood Bowls 151.2 Kmph Delivery, Rohit's Response Even Better

Rohit Sharma once again showed his class during the ongoing England Test series, this time in the fifth and final game in Dharamshala. The India captain scored runs at a brisk pace during the hosts' first innings in the match after they bowled out England for a below-par total of 218. Rohit raced to his 18th Test fifty in 77 balls and en route for the milestone, he took the England bowlers to the cleaners with some sensational strokes. One of them included a superb pull shot.

On the fourth ball of the 4th over of India's innings, Mark Wood bowled a 151.2 kmph short ball but Rohit's response to it was even better. He quickly transfered his weight on the backfoot and brought out his trademark pull shot to see the ball sail over the fine leg fence for a six.

Watch it here:

Kuldeep Yadav, who grabbed five wickets, and 100th Test man Ravichandran Ashwin helped India bundle out England for a woeful 218 in their first innings on Day 1 of the fifth Test on Thursday.

Kuldeep (5/72) and Ashwin (4/51) ran through the England batting line-up as the visitors lost eight wickets for 118 runs across post-lunch and post-tea sessions.

Opener Zak Crawley (79, 108 balls) offered lone resistance for England.

There were two partnerships in the middle-order -- 37 between Crawley and Joe Root for third wicket and 38 between Root and 100-Test-man Jonny Bairstow for the fourth wicket -- but they were not sufficient for the visitors.

There was a point in England innings when they lost five wickets for mere eight runs as Kuldeep, Ashwin, and Ravindra Jadeja got into the act.

(With PTI Inputs)

source https://sports.ndtv.com/cricket/mark-wood-bowls-151-2-kmph-delivery-rohit-sharmas-response-even-better-watch-5194041


"When I Reached Hospital, Mom Was...": Ashwin On 'Medical Emergency'

Lying in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of a Chennai hospital, Chitra Ravichandran was slipping in and out of consciousness but she had just one query for her son Ravichandran Ashwin when she saw him by her bedside -- "Why did you come?" Hours after becoming only the second Indian bowler after Anil Kumble to take 500 Test wickets, Ashwin rushed back to his home in Chennai during the third game against England in Rajkot after coming to know that his mother had been hospitalised following a blackout.

"When I landed and got to the hospital, my mom was slipping in and out of consciousness, and the first thing she asked me was, 'Why did you come?' The next time she was conscious, she said, "I think you should go back because the Test match is happening," Ashwin told 'ESPNCricinfo' on the eve of his 100th Test.

The off-spinner emotionally recalled how his parents Ravichandran and Chitra worked their "backsides off" to help him realise their collective cricketing dream.

"The entire family is built on cricket and to facilitate my career. It hasn't been easy. It has been very hard on them. It's been a big roller-coaster for them - going through the emotions and ups and downs that I myself do," the 37-year-old said.

Ashwin, at times, did feel that the sport meant more to his family than him.

"I am in the second half of my thirties and my dad still watches a game like he would watch my first international game. It means a lot to them. Compared to what it means to them, it definitely means less to me.

"They have eliminated anything that comes in the way of my cricket. That has been the sole purpose of their lives ever since I can remember," he said.

Ashwin's father is an avid cricket-watcher and the former club cricketer is present even at the most nondescript grounds to watch TNCA first division league.

"It was as if I was living the dream my dad wanted to achieve. Imagine somebody wanted to become a cricketer (but doesn't). He gets married, he has a son.

"And he wants to live the dream through his son, and he does everything from teaching me, to taking notes from my classmates, to taking me to private tuitions to make sure I play the maximum possible amount of cricket while still finishing my education.

"And this lady (mother) coming from some other hamlet says, 'I support you because you couldn't become a cricketer. Let's support our son to become a cricketer. Let's work our backsides off'. And the father-in-law supports it, and then the sister-in-law supports it."

source https://sports.ndtv.com/cricket/mom-said-from-hospital-bed-you-should-go-back-as-test-match-is-on-ashwin-5186942


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